LR2ID パスワード


段位認定★02 / -
自己紹介 ,--, ,_
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kirei7fox ....

14-key player long time ago, 7-key player now (JKOC controller in 2023, keyboard in 2022, 2022 keyboard videos in Insta) [ Instagram acc't = niclaslundgren777 ] [ update changed the name to: ]

August 26th new JKOC controller 7-key entries (only JKOC now no keyboard play anymore):
1 Trahison [SP HYPER] FULLCOMBO (<-- in non-random)


[Actually, only 7-key now for several years.. although 14-key is my 'choice' while 7-key is just sniping highscores & reaching some clear goals then quit [and FC'ing a lot on the way to the clear goal..]]


スコアラー・フルコンHolic のアナコンプレイヤーです。

Well... the の、 and the です

LunaticRave2 is a great music game & aside from Konami GFDM the best substitute of real instruments, yet you get a highscore so in a way even better unless you're a famous musician (rather than a " bedroom musician ").. [ GFDM is also called DTXMania which is a Yamaha electronic drumkit connected to your PC, if LR2 didn't exist, it's possible I would have played that instead & others.. 'coz it's fun & difficult.. however I like strumming & keys the most ]

LR2 settings =
1 - lane cover always OFF (only 1 song needed lane cover to clear.. will fix)
2 - judge auto-adjust = OFF, ms offset = minus.. (-5 to -21)
3 - scroll speed set to " averaging / avg " around 360 to 420 (sometimes 210/260 w/ hidden (for fun),

( Example of 470 scroll speed in ran ( the amount of time the note is on the screen from entry point to judge line ) --> ) [ <--- We are the xxxx hyper, ran ]
^ 470 speed in averaging is above the scroll speed of most Japanese & Korean players which usually play at 380 to 400 in averaging (almost always around 380 in LR2 as the most common, I've only seen 1 video of an FC in a hard song at 370, then lots in 400 (highscores)), 1 video at 440 averaging (HINS) his overjoy video. Btw, why? Well... there's too many notes on the screen in those songs, so the fast speed helps reading (less notes on the screen).

That's all no lane cover. The lane cover players.. then different scoll speeds. Also oddly, most players pick lane cover.. like "I can only play with lane cover " (haha).

4 - Asio4All v2 always on, buffer size 64 / 96 / 192 (Asio buffer size 768 in LR2 sounds awful... all the notes are 'later', actually buffer size 64 is great you can tap the keyboard with keysounds basically instantaneous)

5 - LR2 window buffer = 16 (or 96.. almost the same, depends on PC power)

6 - Hidden a.k.a. HID on now for around 10 months.. hm, it's cool

There is a large difference, for example hidden OFF in ひつぎとふたご plastic feat. yuyuko [7KEY/HYPER] my top score = 95%, hidden on = 88%... more difficult


7 - Ran or S-RAN = on, around 90% of the time, non-ran in songs which have a good non-ran notechart (quite a lot)

8 - survival or easy (some songs p-attack, which takes practice)

However... the goal in LR2 is highscores. This is a highscore area.

For the " casual player " then easy clear this and that, next game or activity, yeah.. - I'm not a casual player as I could score 98% in some songs in GFDM, then moved on to rhythm-it! / ruv-it!, then eventually LR2

9 - key settings... 1P side, with QZEC left hand --- 8k0; right hand, Q = scratch - (same playstyle as RIE. on keyboard and JKOC, or Konami official arcade cabinet.. same hand layout on keyboard... strangely I'm the only person which does that.

Can play on a JKOC a little bit better than keyboard (scratching.. you know.. Q key...)

F key assigned to note 4 sometimes, although not really necessary, unless I want to p-attack armageddon hyper, for example, then F key note 4 yea.. [the 24<->57 fast rolls, supposed to be left hand = 24 & 56 = right hand, 'coz in fast rolls then 2 left and 456 right is like " ? "

F key note 4 is 'symmetrical', which is how for example " Totoro " played, although now, almost all of the best players play in RIE. style (on Konami JKOC & Konami arcade cabinet.. hm and RIE. and the best in Japan " rag* " probably do 2 left 456 right in 24<->56 Armageddon speed rolls (without p-attack)

QZEC a.k.a. Q = Lpinky, Z = Lthumb, E = Lmiddle, C = Lindex, all my scores are in that

Example of RIE. playing D - Eagle, in " QZEC " style, - starting at 7 minutes 19 seconds -

So in summary QZEC left hand keyboard style is very good (look, she got a fullcombo! And look at my highscores..)



So that's the settings from 1 to 9

Hardware -

Greenhouse gaming monitor (from Japan).

Leopold FC900R keyboard (quite good), with Cherry MX Silver (they suck in LR2.. if you drop a heavy feather on the keyboard the key will sense it..)

Fujitsu laptop (it's decent, nothing fancy, aside from the " Made in Japan ", that's why)

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          |       |:.      :/ Oヽ  ヾ       j

LR2 Chronology:

2018 - started LR2 black stars, cleared J219 Afother ★1 & CG901B -7ex- [short ver.] BGA+ ★1, all other black stars I tried not possible. Also scored #1 LR2 global scores in some ☆4 so felt inspired with LR2.

2019 - browsing LR2 black stars in laptop, found 2 great crazy songs, 少女の舞葬 & blue-white crazybits. Both are impossible of course (although can clear 少女の舞葬 at a lower BPM).

April, 2021 - Purchased an NKRO 1000 Hz proper keyboard to play LR2 more and show I can do any music things (any music game, any instrument, singing) with x amount of practice. Started playing all black star 1 to 3.

Somewhere in 2021 - Cleared 少女の舞葬 (black star 5) & blue-white crazybits (black star 9) =) (shown in Instagram in 2022 -----> /

Somewhere in 2021 - Cleared 東方段位認定 発狂二段 (Touhou insane rank certificate lvl. 2), also #2 score in Touhou rank certificate level 5 (東方段位認定 五段)

January, 2022 - Cleared Jupiter Another++ (black star 5), cleared most black star 4 (including Romancecar Junkyu with around 80% score), cleared all black star 1 to 3.

February, 2022 - Lots of #1 LR2 scores in ☆

February, 2022 / lunar tiger, 01 - 24, cleared pokemon battle imaging ★10 (6th try..) [selected a black star 10 randomly then played it 6 times]

          , -‐"´ ̄ ̄`"ゝ‐‐--.、
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      ./          ,、_,-.、__/ヽ/|
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 i ∠__ゝ´`‐,"゙! .|   ハ  i `i::::::::::|   ヽ:::i
 ヽ、(::/´|  /___i   / i |,  !:::::::/|    ト'
   と_イ .i、 i   ヽ ./‐-,リ|  `"´ハ'      |
     リ、/ヽ!‐‐- ヽ'    .i , / /:i     i
     i  !""     ‐‐- レ ' ./::::',    / 
     !ハ ゝ、    ""/  //_リ´|   !
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 ∧.  ∨ r-"´::'~~~:::::~~~:::::::::::::::!  | ∨ ヾ、
 ∨   /"´`ヽ:::::::==::::::::::::::::::::::i  ヽ、_  ∧ヾ、
   i"´丶  ./`‐---r-‐‐‐7、::::ヽ、    ̄∨、 ヾ=
    \_/`"‐- 、_/   /__ゝ=' ゝ /   )

Example of #1 scores (global internet rank #1 in percentage of Pgreat (i.e. 97.76% pgreat 2.24% great etc.)) (lots more)

deepwater [Normal] ★FULLCOMBO 11 1/183
Bad Apple!! -YH mix- [SP NORMAL] ★FULLCOMBO 23 1/667
ほおづきみたいに紅い魂 [NORMAL] ★FULLCOMBO 17 1/475
Mercury ★FULLCOMBO 6 1/214
天叢雲剣 -StaRLighT MiX- [7Normal] ★FULLCOMBO 40 1/63
spindle girl -SP NORMAL- ★FULLCOMBO 50 1/230
(^^) [5keys Normal] ★FULLCOMBO 99 1/1404 (lol)

era (Cyberia VIIII mix) ★FULLCOMBO 24 1/15

et cetera

          , -‐"´ ̄ ̄`"ゝ‐‐--.、
        /          `ヽ  `"‐7
      ./          ,、_,-.、__/ヽ/|
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  /´__、/゙ゝ-く、i !∠,__Z´`'!::::::::::`i.  ' i:::::|
 i ∠__ゝ´`‐,"゙! .|   ハ  i `i::::::::::|   ヽ:::i
 ヽ、(::/´|  /___i   / i |,  !:::::::/|    ト'
   と_イ .i、 i   ヽ ./‐-,リ|  `"´ハ'      |
     リ、/ヽ!‐‐- ヽ'    .i , / /:i     i
     i  !""     ‐‐- レ ' ./::::',    / 
     !ハ ゝ、    ""/  //_リ´|   !
     ' ', |リ/ ヽ‐-- / /レ'|゙  !   /
        く,____ゝ== く   .iヽ、/   i
      _ ==|  .|/"i::/゙ヾ、/:|`','   /
  __, =="´∧ i  .!ム_!/  /:::::::::i/  /=ヾ、
==‐" ∧.  ∨ゝ  |::::/  /__;::::::::|  i ∧ヾ、
 ∧.  ∨ r-"´::'~~~:::::~~~:::::::::::::::!  | ∨ ヾ、
 ∨   /"´`ヽ:::::::==::::::::::::::::::::::i  ヽ、_  ∧ヾ、
   i"´丶  ./`‐---r-‐‐‐7、::::ヽ、    ̄∨、 ヾ=
    \_/`"‐- 、_/   /__ゝ=' ゝ /   )

Rival songs for competitive people (i.e. here's my scores, you can try to beat them)

[ also I've uploaded Instagram & youtube vids playing LR2 w/ screen vid, hand vid, tapping sounds, all ---> ]

___Light (white star 4, 5, 7)

1 - Mercury | nmk | 姫トランス | 371 note ver. - (score is 100% so not really rivalry, although I'm the only person with 100% so yea..)

2 - Singing of Night birds [Normal] | Ark-Z Illustration by 春雨 | Hard Mystic | 753 note ver. - (score = ~97%)

3 - Trick? Trick. Trick!!! [NORMAL] | Hallowe'en Party (score = 97.83% (you can't do it)) internet rank #9 / 1283)

___Difficult (white star 9 with pgreat judgerank [normal] +-16 milliseconds)

4 - diamond dust - hyper | trance - (current score = 94.61% although not really satisfied with that, will get around 96% later/soon)

___Not really difficult (white star 9 with fully musical & logical notes, no errata) (as long as you understand the music and your fingers can move at 185 to 200 bpm & you have an ok monitor)

5 - ΔΔ [hyper] | SYMPHONIC WAVE -

Current score 97.52% (on Acer laptop & monitor)

__Medium difficulty (white star 9 with some complex notes, pgreat judgerank standard [easy] +-20 ms) - (the most difficult part is probably vibrating your finger on the shift key / q key in the scratch frenzy in the middle & still hitting some notes at the same time. With a JKOC (Japanese konami controller) the scratches are easy)

6 - The dark carnival | midnight core -

This song is in my offline folder (I have a folder with some songs without online LR2 scores), so you'll have to PM me or e-mail me for the highscore.

__Light ( white star 5, although this song sort of fast, it's only 168 BPM although a lot of miniature 16th stuff in each measure (not streams), and the music feels fast. In the harder versions the song sounds nicer at lower speeds, so they raised the BPM for a challenge rather than perfect music, it's a cool song at any BPM, anyway. The hardest version even RIE. can't clear it, so I'm not very interested in that notechart. )

7 - Astish Carmine (LIGHT7) -

Current score 97% (Acer laptop & greenhouse monitor)

__Timing difficulty

8 - ひつぎとふたご -

Current score 95% (top 10 global LR2)

__Difficulty (Jacks, and ★4. It could be bad for a finger to practice this song, so don't play it a lot. On my Acer laptop keyboard it was really tiring, and on my current Leopold FC900r with Cherry MX Silver, it's ok... MX Silver are bad for jacks, although at this speed it's ok. It's more about moving your hand perfectly (rhythm) & not the speed of the jack. So it's a pretty cool song.)

9 - theme of Maia -maniac- -

Current score 84% in hidden (not satisfied with that and will get 89% AAA in hidden soon/later equal to rivals/quasi-rivals)

__Timing difficulty (this song is judgerank "very hard" +-8 ms, so the pgreat window is only 16 milliseconds, plus the notes aren't on time. So the way I do it is partially memorize the non-metronome notes, and partially visual (i.e. scroll speed), the faster scroll speed you're ok with, the easier it is to time, as 16 ms window (very hard) / 40 ms window (easy) doesn't change, so if you can read at scroll speed 400 (average), it's much easier to time than at scroll speed 340 (average), as the speed of the falling note towards the line is much faster, so the 'catching' is much easier, this is all logical... That's how I get a lot of my top 10 scores (fast scroll speed & rhythm memory). I can't get 98% at 340, and nobody can (maybe in 60 milliseconds window and memorizing everything (i.e. Drummania, there it's possible to 100% songs without the notes), although +-20 (easy) in LR2 is too strict, so LR2 is a visual game, and the rhythm is 'helping', like both. For example, hitting single notes at scroll speed 400 is a lot of visual (catching the note), although as soon as there's a roll, scale, pattern, then you need to apply the rhythm to that, so it's visual/rhythm mixed.

OTOH In Drummania you can play visual, or memorize stuff, both are possible, although not in LR2 since judgerank easy is +-20 milliseconds, and people play in random constantly. Some pro players memorize the BPM slowdowns, although looking at the highscores, not really. For example if I watch a replay of RIE. playing ☆twinklestar☆_13, then she can do the BPM slowdown with AAA notes, so then that's rhythm memory, as it's impossible for anyone to read lots of notes at low scroll speed (player "quasar" 0.5 speed in Icarus another, although he just memorized the entire song that's all). Even the best highscore player in Japan can't read the end of Himiko another (BPM slowdown), they use lane cover or rapidly increase scroll speed. In non-ran you can memorize twinklesky_13 middle, or himiko another ending (like player quasar), although that takes a lot of time, so people just play ran including me, and sort of understand the ran rhythm in BPM slowdown (i.e. twinklesky_13). So this song ごはん はやく たべたい in very hard +-8 ms, or others similar (i.e. Mizuki), you memorize the non-metronome stuff a little, and increase scroll speed to 400 or 410 to 'catch' the note, then those 2 skills together get the highscore (that's how I do it anyway so I assume the others with top 5 highscores are the same).

^ [also by the way, I shouldn't need to explain all this stuff, and also give a free tutorial to people which don't understand, although with some people which just enjoy music games & want to be good, then my info is helpful, so for them then my info is ok (i.e. friendly young people playing cytus & stuff like that]

10 - ごはん はやく たべたい (BMS Edition) [HYPER] | a'cappella -

Current score 89.77% (It's already #12 / 1334 although easy to improve it)

So that's 10 songs for competitive people to rival - i.e. outsiders which watch stuff and want to be the best at stuff... (I'm not referring to some guy in Japan which started piano lessons at age 16 then plays LR2 for 5 years from age 21 to 26)

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 i ∠__ゝ´`‐,"゙! .|   ハ  i `i::::::::::|   ヽ:::i
 ヽ、(::/´|  /___i   / i |,  !:::::::/|    ト'
   と_イ .i、 i   ヽ ./‐-,リ|  `"´ハ'      |
     リ、/ヽ!‐‐- ヽ'    .i , / /:i     i
     i  !""     ‐‐- レ ' ./::::',    / 
     !ハ ゝ、    ""/  //_リ´|   !
     ' ', |リ/ ヽ‐-- / /レ'|゙  !   /
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      _ ==|  .|/"i::/゙ヾ、/:|`','   /
  __, =="´∧ i  .!ム_!/  /:::::::::i/  /=ヾ、
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 ∧.  ∨ r-"´::'~~~:::::~~~:::::::::::::::!  | ∨ ヾ、
 ∨   /"´`ヽ:::::::==::::::::::::::::::::::i  ヽ、_  ∧ヾ、
   i"´丶  ./`‐---r-‐‐‐7、::::ヽ、    ̄∨、 ヾ=
    \_/`"‐- 、_/   /__ゝ=' ゝ /   )

Some recommended songs in LR2

Touhou songs, for example download the full Touhou packs (around 1.5 GB with lots of songs)

Here's two of them - TouHou Event8  (東方音弾遊戯8) incl. dl --- >

- TouHou Event4  (東方音弾遊戯4) --- > //

- Update July 24th

link to TouHou9

Touhou event 9 official site -->

link to 東方音弾遊戯9 BMSパッケージ / Touhou9 songpack DL -->

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          <<ノ7::j/ :|   ,'_j,,,,,'{ ;;;;_|:: ::;'|_|:::| |::::';::: ', .',
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          |       |:.      :/ Oヽ  ヾ       j

this profile link -

Instagram LR2 videos link w/hand-shot & screen-shot videos - [ update changed the name to: ]


Mediafire account LR2 folder (1 song) -

Mediafire account LR2 song edits by me (2 files) via eq and realtime method (S) -

protonmail drive LR2 folder (it's not working yet, I could only upload 1 fether song... then the next upload decelerated and stops at 95%, so it's not possible to upload...) -

When protonmail has a functional service, then I'll upload fether mp3 and zun mp3 into that folder, as they're the best LR2 artists ^^. And kozato is the most exciting LR2 artist (1 song..)

Aside from them I mostly like J-core and Japanese traditional in LR2. For example in Touhou event 9 / 東方音弾遊戯 9, there's 1 great J-core song, and 1 spooky JP traditional song. In general, 東方音弾遊戯 9 is really fun to play, although probably disliked by experts, as the notecharts of several anothers are ridiculous... even the normal and hyper are a little ridiculous. It's the first time I feel an accomplishment getting an FC in a normal (Knit Kiss).

Regarding 「春雨クライシス 尺八・箏・十七絃のための」冷水乃栄流作曲 - "Harusame Crisis", the original of that song in Touhou 9, is the most macabre or ghostly ancient music I've ever heard.. so it's good that Japanese instruments could achieve that 300 years ago, as European instruments back then were almost all jovial, or glorious... sounding music... and the people with dark music back then.. well.. that would only be war music.. yet today people listen to that music all the time... --> link:

It would have been possible to compose dark music back then (i.e. Resident Evil soundtrack songs " Expansion " and " Convoy ") with violins and xylophones, although I haven't found any...

JP title: 「春雨クライシス 尺八・箏・十七絃のための」冷水乃栄流作曲 - "Harusame Crisis"

^(I can't write or speak fluent Japanese I'm copy-pasting (basic, it takes time to learn languages, like 24 months of full-time studiousness to reach a 95% level, 5 years to reach 99%, and the extra 1% only professional actors can do.. like memorizing long paragraphs (recital), and saying it all naturally including facial expression and body language. Even many of them are not good at it. ))


Update July 18th, 2022

FC'd 4 out of 5 goals in the " 32 kb bms event song pack "

1 sketch FULL COMBO 120 5/76
2 orz FULL COMBO 8 9/77
3 U.N.オーエンは彼女なのか?(8bit mix) [HYPER] FULL COMBO 6 97/545
4 Dobbel kaffe [N] FULL COMBO 36 7/93
5 - to be continued -


Update August 17th - Empress of Raizze [DISASTER7] FULLCOMBO (narrowed [my physical] timing window, as I couldn't do that b4..) (=^・^=) .. not like 'proud' of that score.. just.. hard timing.. narrowed hands.. that's all

Update August 18th - dreaming android 86.99%.. hmm.. (x3 at ~86% up from around ~80% when I was playing it before, LR2 is constant improvement (i.e. x3 80% weeks ago, to x3 86% now... how ? ) ^^ so the trajectory is AAA ! (=^・^=) )

Update 07-28 lunar calendar ー 

1 U.N.オーエンは彼女なのか?(8bit mix) [HYPER] FULL COMBO 7 64/546
2 sketch FULL COMBO 121 5/77
3 Dobbel kaffe [N] FULL COMBO 37 7/93
4 orz FULL COMBO 10 9/77

Plus extra

カスガ FULL COMBO 10 8/82, score up 83% to 90% (yea, 7% jumps..)

(from 32kb event song pack)

Also scored a 'jump' of around 3% in super bombeat (4622) without trying much, so after pauses scores 'magically improve' yea.. (=^・^=), not going to practice that one。 

Update 08 - 08 Lunar calendar - Another useful link with a lot of LR2 ASIO information --->

Dreaming Android! has a lot of strange double rolls at the ending which need ran, as the non-ran is a " ? ", so paused practicing that one as I can AAA until the ending, found some other songs such as ARMAGEDDON [ZUN remixed by LeaF Movie:Optie/Illust:セシル◇タイト] (Touhou 9), which is more musical and faster, and sort of " epic " like.. what ?

Also the bandwidth in Dreaming Android! is like an old telephone.. so it's 'unique-cool'... although when you shift to it from high-def music it's like.. "?"

By the way カスガ in the 32kb pack has a 4-note chord jackhammer in it, which is a " skill hurdle ", so sort of FC'd 5 skill hurdle songs in there alr & will get dreaming android! strange rolls later

Also that website has a " score overview " board of &#10032;1 〜 &#10032;13, such as this person

I doubt many people outside of Japan/Korea/Taiwan/China actually use that scoreboard, although it's the " white star system ", which is what I mostly focus on i.e. white star 4 to 11, although quite good scores in the 'chord crazy' 発狂 too for example I like a ★5 called reduction division, that's crazy and feels like " how can I play that "


08 - 15 lunar calendar -- ほおづきみたいに紅い魂 [HYPER] - first p-attack _ (nvm.. it didn't work, 2 goods, will fix it later)

ほおづきみたいに紅い魂 [normal] = internet rank #1 / 476 --> (100% 3 times without hidden, 98% hidden)

best DJ Vaka song

[没] 81 / 100 SR/S-RAN。(うわー..たくさんの専門家) このノートチャートは、r4n、非 r4n、または鏡でのみきれいです。 SR / S-RANは、ジャックハンマーコードスパイラルパターンを脱臼することです... | 乱気流のハイスコアはriceーさん


08 - 21 ーーー Kushinada fullcombo (the Another) -->


08 - 22 -- example of highscore area, all top 1% / 99th percentile ( usually with 420 scroll speed as I need that for these scores =/ ), have a lot more although found these while playing today.

3 AutumnBreeze Normal7 (BGA) FULL COMBO 31 44/5461
4 彼岸帰航-idling mix- (NOMAL) FULL COMBO 179 23/6914
5 Quark ★FULLCOMBO 44 17/5131
6 ひつぎとふたご [7KEY/HYPER] FULL COMBO 91 57/7438

Plus 人形裁判 〜 人の形弄びし少女 -7skey- AAA 90% that was a lot of fun, very cool notechart。  ( bmsid=66748 )

getting better at p-attack too although the MX silvers are so sensitive


08 - 29 僕が見た世界 [ANOTHER7]、 Kankitsu feat. Salita ー p-attack ★ - with cherry mx silver (have to cat paw the notes as they're so sensitive)、 will change to mx black or varmilo keys so this is an accomplishment on mx silver (=^・^=)

That was the 2nd p-attack in the highscore charts

Anipop / anime pop..

Ok next..


Update - according to various websites & the LR2 developers, the timing windows are designed like this:

EASY +-21ms (42ms)
NORMAL +-18ms (36ms)
HARD +-15ms (30ms)
VERY HARD +-8ms (16ms)



So in songs such as Cyberia VIIVIII mix, set to " very hard ", then the maximum timing window size is 16 milliseconds (although in reality less as we have keyboards, hardware, software, taxing programs, so that's the max possible, 16 ms (+- 8 ms), 1 second = 1000 milliseconds. So that's why LR2 is mostly a visual game, more than a music game ( it's both, for example in Cyberia VIIVIII, I can AA or AAA it visually, and also sonically, like either... although in most songs then it's visual ability, having a phonebook of patterns in your head, a sense of timing the patterns, and the dexterity to execute it. )

I like dexterity, reflexes and the hardest games or sports which exist, so that's why I chose GFDM & later LR2, however prior to this I played some other 'hardest looking games' such as speed Shogi, and vertical scrolling 2D shooters (i.e. pink sweets by Cave). Listening to the music in Pink Sweets by Cave yesterday, I'm reminded of the most progressed or most advanced cultures in the world, which are mostly Japan & Italy, aesthetically.

Aside from culture, aesthetics, Japan & Italy are also the most progressed in the world in some tech areas, such as motorbikes, for example.

So, is there something 'unique' to Japanese or Italians? Within their DNA? Or is it all 'reaching at the sky' ? Well... then it starts to come down to how much you like reality, or how much you like self-deception.

ホームページExample of liveplay in Instagram --->
ライバル YUKI DarkSakura RIE. yuyuaomori YOMI RIE.2 MUDCAT straw Tear♪ Losty Losty sakura@ みの fru1t melon Umineko Cloond♪ Shinobae Wintermute ふねんアヘ顔 有栖@アナコン ややなの 斉藤朱夏 DOGE SK8R_TW hcs8913 YUKI jidousya2 portion Yuki-R- Yukino yukinohito nECo JP_ZNDY loz shun kuroa DJfrocio♪ akarin


1 Heterochromia Iridis [NORMAL] ★FULLCOMBO 213 6/1037
2 幽夢 〜 Inanimate Dream -EASY7- ★FULLCOMBO 209 1/45
3 diamond dust FULL COMBO 202 10/450
4 Cinderella's Age (7key Light) FULL COMBO 199 1/129
5 FREEDOM DiVE [NORMAL 7] FULL COMBO 194 167/13873
6 5.1.1(ReMix) [Normal] FULL COMBO 182 19/332
7 彼岸帰航-idling mix- (NOMAL) FULL COMBO 179 23/7015
9 Everlasting Faith [HYPER] FULL COMBO 164 11/135

1 Laureate Grimoire FULL COMBO 1 3/12
2 Ulvene sluker lys [SP NORMAL] FULL COMBO 1 1/4
3 New York Back Raise [SP HYPER] FULL COMBO 1 14/201
4 4rcad1a [HYPER] FULL COMBO 5 3/15
5 Hyperbolic Paraboloid -Hyper- ★FULLCOMBO 3 2/10
6 Trahison [SP HYPER] FULL COMBO 60 114/1327
7 Trahison [HAYATHER] EASY CLEAR 20 46/55
8 Trahison [SP NORMAL] ★FULLCOMBO 50 17/503
9 Rosario -輪廻幻想譚- (Another) FULL COMBO 32 212/837
10 - JUPITER - [7KEYS] ★FULLCOMBO 20 64/1996

1 [sun3] Ancient Memory ⇒NONSTOP MIX HARD CLEAR 22 2/8
3 東方段位認定 発狂二段 CLEAR 15 89/195
4 東方段位認定 五段 HARD CLEAR 13 2/166
5 やくもけ[Chain] HARD CLEAR 39 2/16
6 Step up 2nd ALLSCR FULL COMBO 30 2/7
7 Step up 3rd ALLSCR CLEAR 11 4/4
8 ALL-SCR converge - 7fox - stage A2 (clearing) CLEAR 8 1/1
9 ALL-SCR converge - 7fox - stage A (fun / challenge course) CLEAR 16 1/1
10 [縞] 09 Novem.29〜Decem.06 weekly mix★ CLEAR 7 8/14


Black:いただいたコメントに返信します! 指の不調は左手の指の腱鞘炎…もといばね指というものになってる可能性が高いですね… Instagramには何も上げてなくて、リンクを貼ってあるTwitterのほうに主にアップロードしています! [2023-02-10 10:36:53]
Black:翻訳して何となくですが分かりました!w 最近は指の不調もあり完全に低難易度主体でやってるので、kirei7foxさんのスコアももちろん参考にさせてもらってます! [2022-10-05 06:09:26]
Black:あと、narrow-windowをどう受け取ったらいいか分からなかったのでそれ以外の分かる部分で返信させていただきました( [2022-09-28 00:10:29]
Black:My condition is moderate, but I can no longer do difficult things… (翻訳を使用したので間違ってても気にしないでください、伝えたいのは調子はほどほど、高難易度が出来なくなったって感じですので) [2022-09-28 00:09:26]
ややなの:Thank you [2022-08-07 22:44:00]
kirei7fox: [2022-02-20 11:01:44]
DarkSakura:hello~ [2022-02-13 22:14:59]
kirei7fox: [2022-01-31 23:13:44]
Black:おはようありがとうございました〜 (気づくのだいぶ遅れちゃってごめんなさい!) ちょいちょいスコア高いなーって思っていくつか参考にさせてもらってましたw [2022-01-27 09:32:04]